Ways you can help

Since ZGTF was launched in 2000, many individuals and grant-making bodies have contributed with unstinting generosity.  It would not have been possible for ZGTF to achieve what it has without their support. 
It is vital for the ZGTF’s future to continue receiving donations and grants. These can be given in the following ways:

  • By post, online, or bank standing order
  • By leaving a legacy in favour of ZGTF
  • By sponsoring an event
  • By donating a grant

The latest annual accounts can be seen by clicking on 2019-2020 Accounts.


Please make your cheque payable to: ’The Zibby Garnett Travelling Fellowship’

31 Main Street
Notts DN22 8DW

Any donor who is a United Kingdom tax payer giving to a registered charity such as ZGTF, enables the charity to reclaim tax from the Inland Revenue.  Please let us know if you would like your donation to be treated as Gift Aid.

Bank Standing Orders

We welcome regular donations on a monthly or annual basis. You can do this by setting up a standing order at your bank. Our bank details for this purpose are as follows:

Virgin Money
Sort Code 05 05 63
Account Name: The Zibby Garnett Travel Fellowship
Account Number: 43306509


Charitable gifts are free of UK Inheritance Tax.  Are you thinking of remaking your Will?  If so would you remember ZGTF in it?  Any legacy of any size is very welcome.

We suggest that you use the following form of words:

“I give free of all tax to The Zibby Garnett Travelling Fellowship, Registered Charity in England 1081403
the sum of [£                ]   [here write the sum in words] to be applied for the general purposes of the charity and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer of the charity shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my Executors and Trustees who shall not be required to see the application of the legacy”.

Past supporters

ZGTF has been generously supported by many individuals and charitable trusts, including:

HRH The Prince of Wales
The Bergne-Coupland Charity
The Ernest Cook Trust
The Hon. H M T Gibson’s Charity Trust
Lord and Lady Gibson’s Charity Trust
The Mercers’ Company
The Thoresby Charitable Trust
Whitaker Charitable Trust

The Trustees wish to record their appreciation to everyone who has supported ZGTF with such great generosity.